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About me

doula reno Erin Griffith
My Philosophy

I have a true passion to help women with some of life's most challenging moments - whether that be in pregnancy, giving birth, after birth difficulties, breastfeeding, parenting, or showing up for ourselves. I believe that everyone needs support and making sure we have the support during these times is the best gift we could give ourselves. 


I believe every woman deserves a doula - regardless of whether this is her first, second, or third+ birth; whether she has a supportive or nonexistent partner, whether she's read every pregnancy book or no book at all, and most definitely regardless of financial situation, I will work with you to understand your view for your birth then support you through your journey.

My Story

I recently changed careers to pursue my life's passion - helping mamas through pregnancy, birth, and beyond. My previous company has a motto - come as your authentic self. I came to realize I was much more interested in supporting mamas, giving breastfeeding advice and lending a supportive ear to hear birth stories. Amongst my colleagues and my friends, I realized the most important aspect of birth is choice. The women that had doulas felt much more supported and the ones that did not really regretted not having one and in some ways, were still suffering. 


I attended a birth doula certification training with Doulas of North America (DONA) and continuing to pursue my certification. I have also continued my education by attending a homebirth workshop for doulas. As a childbirth educator, I offer my clients an additional level of preparation and knowledge as they move ready for birth.

My Training
Labor Doula

Doulas of North America (DONA) 2018 (certification in progress)

Childbirth Educator

Cornerstone Doula Training 2019

Diploma of Childbirth Eductaion

Sierra Childbirth Institute (DONA certified) 2018

Homebirth for Doulas, Continued Education

Cornerstone Doula Training 2018

Infant CPR, Certified

Infant and Child Certification 2017

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